I am so impressed with the vocal and trumpet skills of this young lady. Her stylistic voice is beyond compare. The pure sound and timbre of her voice is such a joy to listen to and her solos on trumpet are reminiscent of Chet Baker and Ingrid Jensen, who I’ve had the opportunity to work with. As a bassist, I understand the importance of time in jazz and Andrea has a complete command of the songs she plays. Her ability to “play” with time and to phrase so delicately is incredible. Her singing is effortlessly and I compare it to a finely tuned instrument. I have been listening to as much as is available on the Internet (bought “Emotional Dance”) and its truly amazing to see her growth in sound, style and vocals. Her voice will be one that will be compared to Diana Krall and Billy Holiday now and forever. I see nothing but the best for your career. Please come to the United States!!
A new fan!! Erv T.
I am so impressed with the vocal and trumpet skills of this young lady. Her stylistic voice is beyond compare. The pure sound and timbre of her voice is such a joy to listen to and her solos on trumpet are reminiscent of Chet Baker and Ingrid Jensen, who I’ve had the opportunity to work with. As a bassist, I understand the importance of time in jazz and Andrea has a complete command of the songs she plays. Her ability to “play” with time and to phrase so delicately is incredible. Her singing is effortlessly and I compare it to a finely tuned instrument. I have been listening to as much as is available on the Internet (bought “Emotional Dance”) and its truly amazing to see her growth in sound, style and vocals. Her voice will be one that will be compared to Diana Krall and Billy Holiday now and forever. I see nothing but the best for your career. Please come to the United States!!
A new fan!! Erv T.
Thank you so much, Erv!